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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How To Make Money On EBay

Every day more and more people are looking to learn fast. Both in the online and offline worlds people are starting realize that having a “job” and working 40 hours a week for 40 years is not the ideal way to live.

So we have put this site together to outline some alternative ways, that people can go about generating an income, including affiliate marketing, selling ebooks, and even stock market investing. Feel free to explore the ideas on this site, join the discussions under each article or suggest an idea we haven’t thought of yet

here is a lot of money to be made as a seller on eBay. Thousands and thousands of sales are made each day, resulting in a lot of income for a lot of sellers. And there is still room for you if you want to get involved – whether you want to earn some part time cash or set up a whole new full time business on the side.

But where do you get your stock from? How do you get started? And how can you build a business that gives you PowerSeller status? Relax – you’re about to find out.

It’s easy work to get started earning money on eBay. Once you’ve signed up for your free account the best way to get a feel for what selling is like is to auction off some of your personal items that you no longer want. If you are going to start buying stock to resell, you’ll do better by getting some basic selling experience first.

Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.

While we are on the subject of stock, you’ll need to decide what kind of business you are going to set up. Of course you can sell anything you like, but if you want to make a name for yourself it helps to become known for selling a specific type of product.

Now that doesn’t necessarily mean your product area needs to be a small one; on the contrary it could be quite large. You could sell toys for example – there’s plenty there to keep any seller going for months on end without selling the same thing twice. You do need to pick a popular product though, and it’s worth doing some research using eBay’s advanced search feature to find out what is selling and how much it’s selling for.

So let’s say you want to sell computer games, for example. There are hundreds of games you could buy to sell here, but if you don’t know which ones will sell you could lose a lot of money buying the wrong stock. By searching the ended listings you can see which titles consistently sell well, and which ones will produce the best profit for you.

Okay – so you know how to figure out what to buy. Now you need to know where to get it from. It stands to reason that no seller is going to tell you where they get their stock; that would be like giving away the keys to their business. In order to find the best sources for stock you need to do a bit of legwork.

We should mention here that there are two main sources for stock – wholesalers and dropshippers. Both have their pros and cons; it just depends on which method you personally prefer.

Dropshippers hold all the stock for you, so you only actually pay for an item once you’ve received payment from the customer. You may have to pay a fee to join the scheme in the first place though. If you choose to go with one or more wholesalers you will need to have the room to buy the stock, and the money to buy it in advance. This comes with more risk since you could buy stock that doesn’t sell, but with the tactic we’ve already covered for checking completed listings before you order anything, the risk here should be kept to a minimum.
here is a lot of money to be made as a seller on eBay. Thousands and thousands of sales are made each day, resulting in a lot of income for a lot of sellers. And there is still room for you if you want to get involved – whether you want to earn some part time cash or set up a whole new full time business on the side.

But where do you get your stock from? How do you get started? And how can you build a business that gives you PowerSeller status? Relax – you’re about to find out.

It’s easy work to get started earning money on eBay. Once you’ve signed up for your free account the best way to get a feel for what selling is like is to auction off some of your personal items that you no longer want. If you are going to start buying stock to resell, you’ll do better by getting some basic selling experience first.

Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.

While we are on the subject of stock, you’ll need to decide what kind of business you are going to set up. Of course you can sell anything you like, but if you want to make a name for yourself it helps to become known for selling a specific type of product.

Now that doesn’t necessarily mean your product area needs to be a small one; on the contrary it could be quite large. You could sell toys for example – there’s plenty there to keep any seller going for months on end without selling the same thing twice. You do need to pick a popular product though, and it’s worth doing some research using eBay’s advanced search feature to find out what is selling and how much it’s selling for.

So let’s say you want to sell computer games, for example. There are hundreds of games you could buy to sell here, but if you don’t know which ones will sell you could lose a lot of money buying the wrong stock. By searching the ended listings you can see which titles consistently sell well, and which ones will produce the best profit for you.

Okay – so you know how to figure out what to buy. Now you need to know where to get it from. It stands to reason that no seller is going to tell you where they get their stock; that would be like giving away the keys to their business. In order to find the best sources for stock you need to do a bit of legwork.

We should mention here that there are two main sources for stock – wholesalers and dropshippers. Both have their pros and cons; it just depends on which method you personally prefer.

Drop-shippers hold all the stock for you, so you only actually pay for an item once you’ve received payment from the customer. You may have to pay a fee to join the scheme in the first place though. If you choose to go with one or more wholesalers you will need to have the room to buy the stock, and the money to buy it in advance. This comes with more risk since you could buy stock that doesn’t sell, but with the tactic we’ve already covered for checking completed listings before you order anything, the risk here should be kept to a minimum.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Some ideas here are nice and have halos, others smell of dog urine ... but all these methods allegedly generate lotso dosho, and every single one is legal at least somewhere. There's overlap in everything so some ideas may be repeated (and some may not be covered at all) but I'm still maintaining there are 101 ways to make money online, partly because it makes a good headline. No, solely because it makes a good headline. It sucked YOU in, didn't it?

No, you won't get anything for nothing but there are a lot of things you can get for nearly nothing. Like getting to pick holes in my list. Go ahead. Pick holes and then link back here to show people how stupid I am.

I've put together a lot of these ideas from thousands of hours discussing businesses for sale with their owners. They've shared with me how their businesses operate, how they make money online, how they built their businesses up etc. They've given me access to their traffic stats, their earnings and accounts and tax figures. Many even gave me access to their Adsense or other "main earner" accounts. Some of those businesses were so irresistible that I bought them. And sold them. And bought others. It's a game. I love it.

Most of these business ideas can be run from anywhere in the world, even the United States, Australia and other non-English speaking countries. For consistency sake all figures are quoted in US dollars.

Each method is summarised in a single small para so appreciate it's not the complete unabridged version. And, no, I haven't tried each one so out of the 101 business models to make money online 102 may be completely dud. But, I do intend expanding - in due course - on some of the money-making ideas that worked for me.

More disclaimers will come when people sue me (suing can make you money, see #66)

Finding business ideas:

1. Spend all day browsing Site For Sale forums for the myriad ways people earn money online. People looking to sell their sites actually tell you how they make money! Pick one that suits you. Research it a bit, and away and start your own business. Or use a search engine to find . It seems to Finding some things - like nuclear bunkers - is easier than othersbe so easy that it's almost impossible to find someone who doesn't know how to do it. (But why stop at one search engine (SE)? Most people get to less than 1% of the top qualify info they're seeking because they use just one SE like Google, don't have the vaguest of ideas of the available, and don't know

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

tthe first step to onlinemoney making

Dear Friend,

Im sorry to report that a significant amount of all money making packages you see online are a total scam and complete waste of time. I have done hours and hours of research on several online money making programs so you might take a look at the rest of this page...

Is there such thing as a legitimate make money online program?

Yes. Just like you, I also came to seeking an alternative way to make money online from home. Had I known I would spend several days actually finding a legitimate make money online opportunity I probably would have given up entirely. I was burned so many times that I am shocked I continued to seek a 'real' make money online program.

Finally, I have found five programs that I consider great programs for learning how to make money online. Don't be fooled by other sites on Google claiming there are any other legitimate programs because I have done some extensive research. These ARE the only make money online programs online that I recommend. Don't send me an email next week complaining that you got scammed by any other program other than what's on this page because I will tell you I told you so.

Below are the top 3 make money online programs that I recommend:

Skill Required:
60 Day Money Back
Avg.Customer Rating:
9.8/10 - 9261 Reviews
#1 Choice:

My Online Income System is quickly becoming one of the most popular programs on the internet. People are finally seeing through all of the bogus programs and false claims and even after they have been scammed by other programs they are ending up with Kimberley Hoffmans My Online Income System. Kimberley offers an honest program that effectively teaches you how to make money online and that's the bottom line.


This is what blows me away. This course is only $47 and it has more material, tools and information than 98% of the other packages out there charging $70+

What You Get

Like I mentioned above, you get so much for your money it's ridiculous to even consider another program costing double or triple the amount other programs cost:

  • Several training manuals
  • Added bonus material
  • A free money making website and blog (this is huge)
  • Insider money making secrets other programs wont disclose
  • Very good product recommendations that most of the other guys don't dare share with anyone..
  • There is too much to list it all here


Usually a money making package will only have a 30 day money back guarantee and some scams out there won't even mention a guarantee but this package is backed by a 60 day money back guarantee

money on the internet.

Skill Required:
60 Day Money Back
Avg.Customer Rating:
9.8/10 - 725 Reviews
#2 Maverick Money Makers - to visit the website

If you are only interested in running an easy business without having to worry about owning and maintaining a website or creating a product, then Maverick Money Makers is for you. You literally only need a couple hours a day and an internet connection and you are ready for this program. It's really that simple. The best part is, they have a software program that does a lot of the work for you and their high-def video course is amazing.


Maverick Money Makers is priced higher than most programs but you certainly get your moneys worth. It's priced well at $97/month.

What You Get

You are going to get a comprehensive training program along with a lot of tools and resources to automate most of your business. They also provide you with a boatload of high-definitionin structional videos for setting up your entire business.


60-day money back guarantee

Bottom Line

If you are serious about running a very successful home business and the price doesn't sca

10way to make money

Maverick Money Makers Review

Hi my name is Tony Lawson and welcome to my personal review of Maverick Money Makers.

If you are looking for a way to make money on the Internet and work from home you have found the perfect website to help guide you in the right direction.

There are many work-from-home programs on the Internet today that will promise you the world, however most of these programs don't deliver on their promises. If you aren't careful you will end up joining a work-from-home program that just takes your money and leaves you with an empty pocket.

I know from firsthand experience which programs actually work and which ones will just steal your money. See, two years ago when my company was having layoffs I was worried about losing my job, so I started searching the Internet for ways to create a part-time second income.

After investing 8 months of my time and over $5700 in bogus money making programs I finally found a few work from home programs that actually work. Of the 28 programs I signed up for only two of them made me money. I have provided a review of both of these programs on this page.

I am now happy to say I no longer have a job with my previous company. No, I wasn't laid off, I retired just 6 months after I started using Maverick Money Makers. I have been consistently earning between $10,000 and $17,000 per month using these two work-from-home programs.

If you are looking to start making money with a legitimate work-from-home opportunity I highly suggest you look into this online coaching club.

Maverick Money Makers is my top rated pick for working from home and making money online.

This program alone has been privately helping people just like you and me earn substantial incomes working from the comfort of their own homes. Mack Michaels, the founder, has been able to help people with little to no startup capital earn six-figure incomes within 12 months of starting their programs.

Now for the first time ever he has created an opportunity open to the public. You can take advantage of his years of knowledge and experience and plug into a turn-key system where you can start using the exact same money making strategies they hes been teaching privately for years.

This club has been responsible for creating numerous online millionaires and has allowed countless numbers of people the freedom to quit their day jobs.

If you are looking to create a second income while still keeping your current job or if you are looking to create a substantial income so you can quit your job, then Maverick Money Makers can help you do that.

The main reason this program is better than anything else on the market today is because this system was built for anyone who is willing to take a half hour a day and follow some simple instructions. Even if you have little to no computer experience you can make money with this coaching club.

I have researched and tested 28 different work from home money making opportunities and nothing compares to the Maverick Money Makers club. Mack Michaels has a support department that is very helpful and always available.

If you have any questions along the way he is just a phone call or a quick email away. The customer support you receive with this online coaching club is second to none.

The Pros: The system is 99% turn-key; all you need to do is follow some easy instructions and guidance and you can start making money online in no time. You will be very pleased to find out exactly how easy it is to earn money online once you get going.

You can earn a consistent income working just part time from your home computer. This system has been proven to work time and time again and provides real financial results for its users.

I have personally been using Maverick Money Makers to earn money online, and I am earning between $10,000 and $17,000 per month consistently with very little effort.

My close friends and family all use this club to earn money online and are doing very well also. Even my 76 year old mother in-law started using this club recently and is earning $2400+ per month working under 1 hour per day.

This is a great system to get started with if you are new to making money on the Internet. This system will keep you from making all the costly mistakes most people make when they are looking to make money online for the first time.

The Cons: It was really hard to find a flaw in this system. It gives you exactly what Mack Michaels says it will give you. The only thing I could find that is a 'con' is the fact that you have to put in a little work at the beginning and a little work each week.

Nothing much, but only a few hours a week to ensure that your income is flowing and a few hours to make sure that you're completely set up.

Regardless, I find it fun. I'm sure you'll find making easy money fun as well.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Can I add more sites to my account

Publishers participating in the AdSense program are required to adhere to the following policies. We ask that you read these policies carefully and refer to this document often. If you fail to comply with these policies, we may disable ad serving to your site and/or disable your AdSense account. While in many cases we prefer to work with publishers to achieve policy compliance, we reserve the right to disable any account at any time. If your account is disabled, you will not be eligible for further participation in the AdSense program.

Please note that we may change our policies at any time, and pursuant to our Terms and Conditions, it is your responsibility to keep up to date with and adhere to the policies posted here.
Invalid Clicks and Impressions

Clicks on Google ads must result from genuine user interest. Any method that artificially generates clicks or impressions on your Google ads is strictly prohibited. These prohibited methods include but are not limited to repeated manual clicks or impressions, using robots, automated click and impression generating tools, third-party services that generate clicks or impressions such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, autosurf, and click-exchange programs, or any deceptive software. Please note that clicking on your own ads for any reason is prohibited. Failure to comply with this policy may lead to your account being disabled.
Encouraging clicks

In order to ensure a good experience for users and advertisers, publishers may not request that users click the ads on their sites or rely on deceptive implementation methods to obtain clicks. Publishers participating in the AdSense program:

* May not encourage users to click the Google ads by using phrases such as "click the ads," "support us," "visit these links," or other similar language
* May not direct user attention to the ads via arrows or other graphical gimmicks
* May not place misleading images alongside individual ads
* May not promote sites displaying ads through unsolicited mass emails or unwanted advertisements on third-party websites
* May not compensate users for viewing ads or performing searches, or promise compensation to a third party for such behavior
* May not place misleading labels above Google ad units - for instance, ads may be labeled "Sponsored Links" but not "Favorite Sites"

Site Content

While Google offers broad access to a variety of content in the search index, publishers in the AdSense program may only place Google ads on sites that adhere to our content guidelines, and ads must not be displayed on any page with content primarily in an unsupported language. View a list of supported languages.

Sites displaying Google ads may not include:

* Violent content, racial intolerance, or advocacy against any individual, group, or organization
* Pornography, adult, or mature content
* Hacking/cracking content
* Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia
* Excessive profanity
* Gambling or casino-related content
* Content regarding programs which compensate users for clicking on ads or offers, performing searches, surfing websites, or reading emails
* Excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords in the content or code of web pages
* Deceptive or manipulative content or construction to improve your site's search engine ranking, e.g., your site's PageRank
* Sales or promotion of weapons or ammunition (e.g., firearms, fighting knives, stun guns)
* Sales or promotion of beer or hard alcohol
* Sales or promotion of tobacco or tobacco-related products
* Sales or promotion of prescription drugs
* Sales or promotion of products that are replicas or imitations of designer goods
* Sales or distribution of term papers or student essays
* Any other content that is illegal, promotes illegal activity, or infringes on the legal rights of others

Copyrighted Material

Website publishers may not display Google ads on web pages with content protected by copyright law unless they have the necessary legal rights to display that content. Please see our DMCA policy for more information.
Webmaster Guidelines

AdSense publishers are required to adhere to the webmaster quality guidelines posted at
Site and Ad Behavior

Sites showing Google ads should be easy for users to navigate and should not contain excessive pop-ups. AdSense code may not be altered, nor may standard ad behavior be manipulated in any way that is not explicitly permitted by Google.

* Sites showing Google ads may not contain pop-ups or pop-unders that interfere with site navigation, change user preferences, or initiate downloads.
* Any AdSense code must be pasted directly into webpages without modification. AdSense participants are not allowed to alter any portion of the code or change the behavior, targeting, or delivery of ads. For instance, clicks on Google ads may not result in a new browser window being launched.
* A site or third party cannot display our ads, search box, search results, or referral buttons as a result of the actions of any software application such as a toolbar.
* No AdSense code may be integrated into a software application.
* Webpages containing AdSense code may not be loaded by any software that can trigger pop-ups, redirect users to unwanted websites, modify browser settings, or otherwise interfere with site navigation. It is your responsibility to ensure that no ad network or affiliate uses such methods to direct traffic to pages that contain your AdSense code.
* Referral offerings must be made without any obligation or requirement to end users. Publishers may not solicit email addresses from users in conjunction with AdSense referral units.
* Publishers using online advertising to drive traffic to pages showing Google ads must comply with the spirit of Google's Landing Page Quality Guidelines. For instance, if you advertise for sites participating in the AdSense program, the advertising should not be deceptive to users.

Ad Placement

AdSense offers a number of ad formats and advertising products. Publishers are encouraged to experiment with a variety of placements, provided the following policies are respected:

* Up to three ad units may be displayed on each page.
* A maximum of two Google AdSense for search boxes may be placed on a page.
* Up to three link units may also be placed on each page.
* Up to three referral units may be displayed on a page, in addition to the ad units, search boxes, and link units specified above.
* AdSense for search results pages may show only a single ad link unit in addition to the ads Google serves with the search results. No other ads may be displayed on your search results page.
* No Google ad or Google search box may be displayed in a pop-up, pop-under, or in an email.
* Elements on a page must not obscure any portion of the ads.
* No Google ad may be placed on any non-content-based pages.
* No Google ad may be placed on pages published specifically for the purpose of showing ads, whether or not the page content is relevant.

Competitive Ads and Services

In order to prevent user confusion, we do not permit Google ads or search boxes to be published on websites that also contain other ads or services formatted to use the same layout and colors as the Google ads or search boxes on that site. Although you may sell ads directly on your site, it is your responsibility to ensure these ads cannot be confused with Google ads.
Product-Specific Policies

Some AdSense products have additional policies that apply specifically to their use. Please review them in full if you use the products listed belo

Payment Timelines or, When am I paid

One of the most common questions we receive at AdSense support is, "when am I paid?" It's certainly an appropriate question, since you probably joined AdSense to earn money and not just because you like how pretty our ads are. So this section describes the AdSense payment cycle, to give you a good idea of when and how your payment will arrive.

Earnings calculated: On the last day of each month, our system identifies all accounts that have $100 or more in unpaid earnings. Earnings accrue over time, so if you earned $40 one month, and $70 the next, you're eligible for payment. All accounts with $100 or more are then sent for approval. A link with specific earnings details will be posted to your Payment History page within the first few days of the month.

Payment issued: Within the next few weeks, a Payment issued line will be posted to your Payment History page, indicating your payment has been calculated. At this time, we'll have your payment processed and sent to you.

Payment arrives: The time it takes for your payment to arrive depends on form of payment you have selected.

* Standard delivery checks: generally arrive within 1-2 weeks of the mailing date in the U.S.; outside of the U.S. typically arrive in 2-3 weeks.
* Secure Delivery checks: generally arrive in 5-7 days.
* EFT payments: should arrive in your bank account within 2-4 days.
* Western Union Quick Cash payments: available for pick-up at a local agent the following day

If there are any problems with your payment, a notice will be posted on your Payment History page. If you haven't received your payment by the 25th of the next month, you can request a reissue.

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Holding Payments

If for any reason you would prefer not to receive your check, we're happy to hold payments for you. Just set up a payment self-hold in your account.

Setting a hold will stop payments and your account will continue to accrue earnings. After you remove your hold, we'll send you a single consolidated payment for all your unpaid earnings. To set or remove a hold, follow these instructions.

Please note that all changes to your hold preferences should be made by the 15th of the month. Changes made to these settings after the 15th of the month may apply to either the current or next payment cycle.

5 Steps to getting paid

You must complete all the steps below to get your account set for your first AdSense payment. Keep in mind that you will need to earn $10 before you can provide your tax details, select a form of payment, and enter your PIN or phone verification number.

1. Check your address

Since payments and PINs, which we'll describe below, are sent to the mailing address in your account, it's important to confirm the accuracy of your payment address and payee name. Keep in mind, especially, that checks and Western Union payments are made out to the payee name exactly as entered in your account.

If you need to correct any information, follow the instructions in our Help Center.

2. Provide your tax information

We're required to collect tax-related information from all AdSense publishers, including publishers who are based outside of the U.S. , and we're unable to send payment to you until your information has been submitted.

You can submit your tax information within your account by clicking the Tax Information link from the My Account tab. An easy-to-use wizard interface will help guide you to the appropriate online forms. You're able to submit most forms online, and we'll give you instructions on submitting any other forms that may be required.

3. Select your form of payment

Depending on your payment address, there may be a number of payment options available to you, including checks, Electronic Funds Transfer, and Western Union Quick Cash. We suggest you review the available forms of payment to learn about each option. Once you've decided how you'd like to be paid, click the Payment Information [edit] link from the My Account tab of your AdSense account. Follow the instructions on that page to select your form of payment.

4. Enter your PIN and phone verification number

When you've earned $10 in earnings, we'll mail a Personal Identification Number to the payment address in your account. You'll need to enter this PIN into your account before we can send any payments to you. Your PIN will be sent by standard post and will take 2-3 weeks to arrive.

Depending on your location, you may also be asked to verify your phone number. As part of this process, our system will call you at a pre-arranged time, and you'll be required to dial in a verification number that appears in your AdSense account.

5. Generate $100 in earnings

When your total unpaid earnings reach $100, we'll send you a payment at the end of the next month. For example, if your total unpaid earnings reached $100 during January and you completed the 4 steps above, we would send you a payment at the end of February.

If your total unpaid earnings haven't yet reached $100, they'll roll over to the next month and accrue until they meet the $100 threshold.

Payment is disbursed within approximately 30 days of the end of the month — to see the timeline of our payment cycle, read the Payment Timelines section below.

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